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How to apply for Funding

Community Bank Epping, as a franchisee of Bendigo Bank, has a commitment to support the Epping district through a substantial range of community grants and sponsorship each year. As a Community Bank, this is a key element of our mission and to date, the bank has given more than $2m worth of support to community activities. 

A large range of projects are supported each year, and you can read more about who we supported in 2023 here and the initial grants funded in the first round of applications in 2024 here. We assist local sporting organisations, cultural and community groups, environmental projects, local events, charitable bodies with local activities and more. Grants are available to eligible not-for-profits organisations and charities (not individuals).

The key factor in all grants is that they demonstrate a benefit to the Epping district and its community. Projects can be one-off small initiatives through to contributions to major new community activities or capital works. 

How to apply

Grants are available during funding rounds a number of times a year. There was an initial round early in 2024.

2024 Round 2

A second round of grant applications is now open (from 1 July 2024) and will close at midnight on 15 August 2024. It is unlikely that there will be a further round in 2024.

If you are interested in applying, please first read our Community Funding Policy guidelines for detailed information on eligibility, how to apply and what the approval process is. You can see other tips about preparing an application here.

You can only apply online using the link below. On this page you can preview the application form, as well as fill it in.

If you have questions about grants funding or would like to initially have a chat about your project, please email eppingcbgrants@gmail.com with your details and we will call you back.

If you would like to receive a notification about the next round for applications, please email your contact information and organisation name to eppingcbgrants@gmail.com.

If you are proposing a major project, you can also contact us to get more advice on whether it might be eligible for assistance.

EDFS Newsletter

Winter 2024


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